First 10 Days of the #100DayProject

Whew! Those first 10 days of the #100DayProject went by quickly! Lots of fun and whimsy happening with my project this year as I create 100 different “cards” to add to my tins that I found on Amazon. I’ve sort of decided to make this my “inspirational” card deck so that when I’m stumped for a project or need a creative start, I can use this cards to help get my creative juices flowing!

This first week I’ve worked pretty much with watercolors on these cards, since that’s typically what I have out on my desk. As the weeks go on, I’m sure I will dabble in other mediums, but for now, this works out just fine for me. Watercolors are my favorite medium, so that will probably be a large percentage of what I will use on this project.

Below, you’ll see all the cards that I’ve created so far. I’ve gone over to Pinterest to get some inspiration for some of these cards. And since these cards won’t be sold or used in other pieces of art, I’m looking forward to keeping them on my desk for future reference and inspiration for creative block, when that happens!

I’ve also worked up a quick video to share the cards with you. Take a look when you have some time and let me know what you think so far!

What are you working on for your #100DayProject?


Watercolor Journal Journeys


Whimsical Watercolors Studio Class is in Full Swing!